Monday, November 7, 2016

Gorda for the weekend

Last Wednesday was a great day. I had only two classes, both in the morning and both fun, and then participated in a panel about social responsibility in MBB (Mckinsey, BCG and Bain), as a part of INSEAD Social Impact Week. The quorum was small but it went pretty well! Much more important that all this, around 4 pm, I left campus towards the airport to pick up my dear Gorda Velha and his (our) uncle and aunt.

It had been 2 months since we saw each other. Time flew by but we did miss each other a lot. Not that anything changed in those two months - we were together as if I had just left home at 6:45 am to go to the gym and then came back for dinner (or after dinner). But it was good to remind each other how life is better when we are side by side, talking about the little things and not just about the big events of each day, making fun of each other, doing some wedding prep, showing some love.

On Wednesday, we went out for dinner with Tio Zé Pedro and Tia Mariana, at an Indonesian restaurant, as per Tio's request. Good food, good stories, good laughs. Some gossiping about Singapore and Asia in general, some updates about life back in Europe and about our family back home. Good stuff!

On Thursday, I had a pretty packed day at school. Gorda slept all morning, we met for lunch (again with our uncle and aunt), and they explored the INSEAD campus in the afternoon while I learnt stuff on Organizational Behavior II. Tio Zé Pedro is actually an INSEAD alumnus and could hardly be more excited to be back on campus (even if on a different campus than the one he attended, over 30 years ago). As soon as I finished classes, Gorda and I took a taxi to the airport, and that's when the real vacations began.

We went to Koh Samui for a romantic getaway. Luckily enough, my dear friend Tito and his boyfriend live there and lent us their place. They happened to be traveling so we did not have the chance to see them. However, they left us a really nice house, a motorbike to wander around, a dog to cake care of, and plenty of great tips on what to do in the island. Not bad, uh?

So what did we do for three days? The weather on Friday and Saturday was pretty bad. It rained almost all day long, although the nights were as dry as a cactus. Do you think we minded? Gorda enjoyed his 10++ hour nights of sleep, I enjoyed my morning workouts, I got to read a required book for my Operations class, we had at least a massage a day, we had reallllllyyyyyyyy good food and (in my opinion, not his) too many drinks.

We spent Friday at Crystal Beach, where we had a massage over the water and then an amazing lunch at The Cliff. In the evening, we went to the Fishermen's Village for dinner and drinks, explored the Friday street market, and ended up in the coolest bar in town, Coco Tam. Thanks Tito and João!

On Saturday, we spent almost all day at the Fishermen's Village, but that time on a different setting. We walked around, got a massage, and had a late thai lunch in a non-touristic spot. When we were ready to leave to a nice hotel for a drink during sunset, it started raining again so we went back to a spa. Gorda got the second massage of the day, while I had pedicure done for the first time since I arrived in Asia. It felt like a luxury good! For dinner, we went to probably the coolest restaurant in town - The Library. We had great cocktails, amaaaaazing fusion food, and wine. Thanks Tito and João again! Before going home, we explored Chaweng's nightlife, which unfortunately was too dodgy (Thai-style dodgy) for my taste.

On Sunday, to finish our romantic getaway in style, we had breakfast at W Retreat and spent a few hours under the sun, which had decided to show up for our last day. The island looked much prettier in the sun. So did we, quickly with a nicer tan. Before boarding to go back to Singapore, we had the last thai meal at the Koh Samui airport (what a nice rustic airport, btw!), and used the flight to do some important wedding planning. Having arrived in Singapore past 7 pm, we decided to stay at the airport doing some more wedding planning instead of going to the city for a last fancy meal. I just realized that there is one good thing about us being apart during our engagement - this way we avoid being a fat couple at our wedding day. It's unbelievable how much food we had during these four days!!!!!!!!! Such foodies!

I left the airport around 10 pm, and gorda flew back home around midnight. I wish Gorda had not left... It's always better when we are together...

However, on a positive note, there's only 6 more weeks until I go home for Christmas, and we'll be both pretty busy till then. It is going to fly by (I hope). And the first event helping time fly by is Mom and Dad's visit starting this Saturday...!!!

And now, before I say goodbye, it's time to show some gratitude. Thank you Tito and João for being such good hosts, even not being there in person. Thank you Gorda for traveling so many kilometers for 4 days with me. Thank you Mom and Dad for sponsoring his flights.

Everyday I wake up and I realize how lucky I am with my life and the people who surround me.

Talk to you soon,

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